The leading pharmaceutical manufacturer in the Baltic region, Grindeks, which has been operating on the Georgian market for sixteen years, will offer the latest generation of anti-diabetic drugs to Georgian consumers and increase the range of hospital medicines in Georgia this year.
“This year it is planned to register new anti-diabetic drugs, while in the next five years about 25 new drugs will be introduced in Georgia”, head of Grindeks in Georgia, Natia Kikvadze, said.
Grindeks’ product portfolio includes original products, generics and active pharmaceutical ingredients, all produced in line with world-class requirements of safety and quality.
Grindeks products are sold in 103 countries globally, while the company’s branches and representative offices are present in ten countries: Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan.
The pharmaceutical manufacturer aims to improve people’s lives and make health solutions accessible to its patients.
One of Grindeks’ products, Kapsikam®, which is a locally applied analgesic and warmth-producing ointment for joint and muscle pain, has received Georgia’s most influential business award, Golden Brand, this year. Kapsikam® has become Georgians’ favorite analgesic ointment.
Kikvadze shared with Golden Brand her impressions of what has led the company to success in Georgia and globally.
Q. We have heard about the future plans of Grindeks in Georgia, which should be good news for diabetic patients. Now please tell us what the company’s future plans are globally.
A. Grindeks has begun construction of a new pharmaceutical center in Riga, Latvia, where the company is headquartered. This will be the largest pharmaceutical center in the Baltics, equipped with modern technology, energy efficient and fully automated. The center will produce new active pharmaceutical substances and innovative products.
Grindex is also in the process of developing 64 new pharmaceutical drugs.
I also want to mention the ‘Grindeks Green Course’, with which Grindeks has begun to gradually introduce green thinking into a company. Green thinking is not a one-day or annual project and includes sustainable use of resources – creating an energy-efficient environment, saving electricity, introducing environmentally friendly solutions for both sorting and reducing waste.
By 2025, Grindeks has decided to abandon altogether the circulation of paper documents in the company, demonstrating its commitment to environmental protection.
Q. Now let’s talk about Grindeks Georgia. How has the company been developing during its presence on the Georgian market?
A. Grindex has been operating in Georgia for 16 years. Today, Grindex is included in the list of 25 leading pharmaceutical companies in the Georgian pharmaceutical market. The pace of the company’s development in Georgia is quite rapid and is expressed in double-digits.
More than 700 pharmaceutical manufacturers operate on the Georgian market. Grindex is among the top 25 companies.
We expect that in 2035 Gridex will be included in the list of the top 100 pharmaceutical companies in the world.
Q. Have sales increased over the year in Georgia?
A. Although the country has been living with a pandemic for two years, with frequent restrictions and isolation, sales of Grindex products are showing positive dynamics every year.
In 2021, the growth rate reached 28% compared to 2020.
Grindex produces both generic (non-original) and original molecules, and one of them, Mildronate, is the company’s best-selling product in Georgia.
To help people overcome health issues, we focus on the heart and cardiovascular, CNS, anti-cancer and anti-diabetes medicines.
As for Georgia, there are about 50 Grindeks products available in our country.
Q. What is the contribution of Grindex to the development of the Georgian pharmaceutical industry?
A. Today, Grindex introduces European quality medicines of vital importance to Georgia, including cardiovascular and nervous system medicines, injectable forms of preparations necessary for the hospital sector and with the best price-quality ratio.
In addition, the Georgian representation of Grindex continuously provides information to the representatives of the local medical field (doctors and pharmacists), organizes conferences, round tables and seminars, informs them of new medicines in the industry and medical news, with the participation of leading doctors and specialists in the field.
Q. Kapsikam® has won the Golden Brand this year. Please tell us what the main success was that made an impression on the experts of the Golden Brand awards and the customers who participated in the survey?
A. Kapsikam® is a brand, a time-tested treatment based on natural ingredients. Thanks to twenty years of experience and its effectiveness, the drug has established the image of a reliable, safe, fast local analgesic product for external use. Kapsikam® not only relieves pain quickly, but also reduces inflammation and muscle spasms, breaking the vicious circle of pain.
The multicomponent ointment Kapsikam® is unique in its composition. It contains five active components, each of which enhances and complements the action of the other components.
The capsaicin in the ointment is a powerful blocker of pain impulses and is included in European and American recommendations for the treatment of back pain.
Kapsikam® has been available to the population of Georgia for twenty years.
Kapsikam® sales are growing every year and the fact that Kapsikam® has been chosen as a Golden Brand is proof that the consumer trusts it and is satisfied with the drug.