Georgia’s first business radio station Commersant will focus more on attracting young audiences this year and improving relations with international organizations, Director of Commersant Goga Samushia says.
Samushia said the station will achieve this goal through the Caucasus University Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Business, National Consultant to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) in Georgia, Giorgi Abashishvili, who “has joined our team as a managing partner”.
“For years, Giorgi headed the administration of the President of Georgia and oversaw the direction of the economy. Having Giorgi in management will help us attract young listeners and improve relations with international organizations”, Samushia said.
He added that “specific steps” have already been taken in this direction.
“Commersant and the Caucasus International University will cooperate with the Business Insider to prepare small (sector analysis) and extensive reports (Country Report) in the field of economics and business, based on analytical studies, processed data and other documents in the following main areas: macroeconomic analysis, competition policy, business environment, country competitiveness, economic security.
“Also, under the educational license of Financial Times, young people will be involved in media projects”, Samushia said.
Q. What are other important initiatives undertaken by Commersant recently?
A. Another important initiative is the Commersant Intelligence Unit, which prepares small and extensive reports on economics and business, macroeconomic forecasting and business environment assessment studies. Also, the unit will organize thematic economic and business discussions and forums.
Commersant is also actively involved in a project for the promotion of gender equality, undertaken with the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. As part of the project, different media projects in both the public and private sectors are planned.
Q. Commersant was established in 2008. What is the current position of the station in the market and how would you like to develop it?
A. Commersant has occupied an important place in economic and business circles since its establishment.
We actually reflect the reality that is happening in the Georgian economy and business sector. We can confidently say that along with developing over the years, we also went through stages which every Georgian business has gone through.
We have become more competent in terms of digital and technological transformation. One of the first attempts is to offer an audio version of print content on our platform, which saves the viewers’ time and speeds up the process of updating the news.
Q. Commersant is a partner of Golden Brand. Why have you been a supporter of this event for so many years?
A. Over the years, with the development of Georgian business, the Golden Brand award ceremony has become a tradition.
It has become an essential event for every business entity and provides some incentive for market players.
Commersant has always been at the forefront of Georgian business and so could not be indifferent to this event.
The selection process is managed by a competent team and the results actually reflect market positioning.
Q. Let’s talk about Commersant as a business supporter. How do you support businesses in the country?
A. Commersant tries to rise to the challenges and opportunities that exist in the Georgian business environment. Accordingly, we strive to make our content practical in our day-to-day business operations. We also want to be a source of inspiration for newcomers to the business.
Q. What is the market-share of Commersant and how do you compete with other radio holdings?
A. Commersant is the only business radio station in Georgia. Thematically our radio has no competitors, although this does not necessarily mean that we do not perceive other media as competitors. Competition stimulates us to be more competent, operative, and credible. For this we try to introduce more modern technologies in our activities.